

Dr. Yotam Kaufman

Lab Manager

Yotam obtained his BSc in Life Sciences from the Technion, where he also pursued his MSc studies under the supervision of Prof. Yehuda Assaraf. Yotam carried out his PhD work at the Hebrew University on the Prader-Willi syndrome/Angelman syndrome (PWS/AS) imprinted domain with Prof. Aharon Razin mentoring him. Before joining the lab, Yotam held Post Doc positions in the Institute of Molecular Genetics in Montpellier in France, and in the Hebrew University. Yotam is currently working on deciphering the roles of sRNAs in interbacterial interactions. Yotam's favorite activity in the lab is finding missing catalogue numbers.

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Sahar Melamed

Dr. Sahar Melamed

Principal Investigator
Sahar received his BSc in Life Sciences from Tel Aviv University. His graduate work was carried out with Prof. Shimshon Belkin at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where he developed a panel of microbial sensors for the detection of antibiotic compounds and other toxicants. During his post-doc, Sahar developed a high throughput method to map the small RNA interactome in bacteria (RIL-seq). Sahar studied novel small RNAs and characterized RNA pairs associated with the key RNA-binding proteins, Hfq and ProQ. Sahar first conducted his post-doctoral work in the lab of Prof. Hanah Margalit at the Hebrew University, and later in the lab of Dr. Gisela Storz at the National Institutes of Health, USA. Sahar's favorite activity in his office is to drink coffee.
Jerusha Stephen Selvinraj

Dr. Jerusha Stephen Selvinraj


Jerusha obtained her BSc in Fisheries Science from Fisheries College and Research Institute. She proceeded to a Master and a PhD degrees at ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education, where she focused on antibiotic resistance Salmonella and isolation of bacteriophages. Jerusha combines experimental and computational tools to decipher how small RNAs affect and control bacteria's physiology.


Anusha Majumder

PhD Student

Anusha obtained her BSc in Zoology from the University of Calcutta. She proceeded to two Master's degrees in Biotechnology and Bioinformatics at Presidency University and the University of Hyderabad, respectively. Anusha combines experimental and computational tools to decipher how small RNAs affect and control bacteria's interactions with phages and plants. Anusha's favorite activity in the lab is clustering genes and generating colorful heatmaps.


Ariel Rubin


Ariel is studying towards his bachelor's degree in Biomedical Sciences at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.  In the lab, Ido studies a novel sRNA in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. His favorite activity in the lab is monitoring growth of bacteria for 12 hours.

Adi lev

Adi Levkowitz


Adi is studying towards her bachelor's degree in Biomedical Sciences at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.  In the lab, Adi studies the interactions between Escherichia coli and lambda phage. Her favorite activity in the lab is doing plaque assays.


Tamar Noy


Tamar is studying for her bachelor's degree in Biomedical Sciences at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.  In the lab, Tamar studies the interactions between bacteria and phages. Her favorite activity in the lab is counting plaques.

Hila Rotbard

Hila Rotbard

MD/PhD Student
Hila combines experimental and computational tools to decipher how small RNAs affect and control the interactions between different species of bacteria. Hila develops machine learning algorithms to help us better understand how sRNAs work. Hila's favorite activity in the lab is listening to music while working.
Raghad Zaghal

Raghad Zaghal

PhD Student

Raghad obtained her BSc in Life Science and her MSc in Biomedical sciences from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Raghad is investigating how small RNAs are affecting and controlling the interactions between different species of bacteria. Raghad's favorite activity in the lab is growing Pseudomonas aeruginosa and watching them turn green.

Aviezer Silverman

Aviezer Silverman

Direct to PhD Student

Aviezer finished his bachelor's degree in Biomedical Sciences at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Aviezer studies:

(1) A novel sigma 28-dependent sRNA named UhpU. Aivezer is characterizing its targets and aims to understand the physiological consequences of the sRNA activity. 

(2) The interactions between bacteria and phages at the RNA level.

Aviezer's favorite activity in the lab is infecting bacteria with phages and seeing them die.

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Reut Bruner

Reut Wasserman

Computational Biologist

Reut obtained her BSc in Computer Science and Computational Biology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Reut is studying (a) the effect of phage infection on bacterial gene expression, (b) deciphering the meaning of RNA pairs which form between two RNAs originating from the phage, (c) and investigating different patterns of RIL-seq signals. 

Reut's favorite activity in  the lab is generating RNA interaction networks.
