
Adi lev

Adi Levkowitz


Adi is studying towards her bachelor's degree in Biomedical Sciences at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.  In the lab, Adi studies the interactions between Escherichia coli and lambda phage. Her favorite activity in the lab is doing plaque assays.


Tamar Noy


Tamar is studying for her bachelor's degree in Biomedical Sciences at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.  In the lab, Tamar studies the interactions between bacteria and phages. Her favorite activity in the lab is counting plaques.


Ariel Rubin


Ariel is studying towards his bachelor's degree in Biomedical Sciences at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.  In the lab, Ido studies a novel sRNA in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. His favorite activity in the lab is monitoring growth of bacteria for 12 hours.